Mountain of the Fire Wind was inspired by Indian music, my life-long love affair with the flute (which is my instrument) and the wind whistling through the holes in a rusty metal sign at Mono Pass, Yosemite National Park, California after a long, chilly but breathtaking hike. On the return, the sun is shining from the opposite angle and shadows cross and recross your path, and you’re walking from the opposite direction, too, so you never see the same thing you saw on the way, and it is always changing although it is the same as it always was. Mountain of the Fire Wind is a microtonal piece, using extended flute techniques, such as multiphonics, microtones and key clicks, expanding and shrinking intervals in fragments of melody, and flirts with rows without becoming strictly atonal. There are moments of cloud sonorities rather than rhythms, flutterings as of thousands of butterflies chased away by a heavy thunderstorm which breaks up into a rainbow. Several other versions of this piece exist, with similar titles. Mountain of the Fire Wind is a flute solo accompanied by a virtual version of the 16 flutes and computer music soundscape in Mountain of the Blue Wind. (2006)
| Mountain of the Fire Wind: Flute solo (7:12 minutes) Mountain of the Blue Wind: Up to 16 flutes: 8 C Flutes, 2 Piccolos, 4 Alto Flutes, 2 Bass Flutes, accompanied by a Soundscape (7:12 minutes) |