Lydia Ayers (1952-2022) was a composer, flutist, educator, and puppeteer. Starting in 1996, she permanently resided in Hong Kong, where she taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Predominantly working in Csound on the NeXT computer, Lydia Ayers composed computer music with unlimited just intonation, re-creating numerous Indonesian, Native American, Australian, and Chinese instruments digitally. She also wrote acoustic music, including over 30 solo and ensemble works for flutes. Ayers performed on a wide range of flutes from various cultural traditions, utilizing extended vocal and woodwind techniques: quarter tones, multiphonics, buzz tones, and other unusual flute timbres.
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1 to 10 of 408 Results
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Ombres des Toiles d'Araignées",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Ombres des Toiles d’Araignées (Shadows of Spider Webs) is a whimsical piece inspired by the beauty of light and shadow on spider webs, and the sort of peek-a-boo quality of these delicate filaments which can seem to disappear when viewed from new angles.
Waveform Audio - 24.2 MB - MD5: 6b8ee8cef4764a9bd5e43b5c2128859e
Adobe PDF - 216.1 KB - MD5: 06c210b391f1c7ed1dc8cadcde21b54a
Adobe PDF - 983.3 KB - MD5: ab4d122006fb3ce2e16107b544aab45c
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Étude détempérée",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Étude détempérée is a very delicate piece that requires the guitarist to play on the “wrong” side of the strings, which defeats the tempered fretting system of the guitar. It was inspired by discussions with French guitarist Jean-Luc Mas, in which he showed me the technique of pl...
Oct 9, 2024 - Étude détempérée
TIFF Image - 14.9 MB - MD5: 9c9dc4d2e08d2701cadbd8267efea9a5
Oct 9, 2024 - Étude détempérée
Adobe PDF - 1.8 MB - MD5: e23be9bbf139400b598f9ed6f478a264
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Yazi’s Dream",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Yazi's Dream celebrates the life of Yazi, my first cat. In Looking at Birds, the recorded birds represent the birds Yazi watched and tried to talk to through the window. The synthesized trills on the bang di, a Chinese flute which resembles a keyless bamboo piccolo, represent Yaz...
Oct 9, 2024 - Yazi’s Dream
Waveform Audio - 74.5 MB - MD5: c7bdd905e61bd46a7fa2df6704b3b8ab
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Wild Herons",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
A. Fast, Excited, Jazzy B. Very Expressive C. Two Birds Call and Respond D. Endangered Birds Wild Herons, for flute duet and recorded computer music soundscape, is inspired by my mother’s work in the environmental movement in the ‘60's. Imagine a scene of moving water, bird calls...
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