Lydia Ayers (1952-2022) was a composer, flutist, educator, and puppeteer. Starting in 1996, she permanently resided in Hong Kong, where she taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Predominantly working in Csound on the NeXT computer, Lydia Ayers composed computer music with unlimited just intonation, re-creating numerous Indonesian, Native American, Australian, and Chinese instruments digitally. She also wrote acoustic music, including over 30 solo and ensemble works for flutes. Ayers performed on a wide range of flutes from various cultural traditions, utilizing extended vocal and woodwind techniques: quarter tones, multiphonics, buzz tones, and other unusual flute timbres.
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11 to 20 of 60 Results
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Tala Malika Gongs",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Tala Malika Gongs is inspired by Indonesian kecak, but uses Indian and Middle Eastern rhythms; where the Tala Malika Jak version of this piece emphasized the rhythms of vocal samples, this new gong version emphasizes the pitches derived from the vocal samples in the earlier versi...
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Suyun Gölgeleri",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Suyun Gölgeleri was composed in memory of Ray Adem, a Turkish friend who played the qanoun (a Middle Eastern plucked zither). It is a modal piece for alto flute in a very slow, soft, and melancholy, quasi-Middle Eastern style. The title, Suyun Gölgeleri, is Turkish for Shadows of...
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Shadow Calligraphy",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Shadow Calligraphy is a flute solo composed for Patricia Spencer as a coda to her recording of my flute music. The title comes from fragments of the titles of compositions on the CD, including Ombres du Vent, Ombres de la Pluie et de la Neige and Time’s Graffiti: Lucky Calligraph...
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Rock Art in the Dream World",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Journey to the Art Place Creating the Art Reflecting on the Art Finishing the Art Into the Dream World Return Rock Art in the Dream World is inspired by Hawaiian petroglyphs, and native American and Australian rock paintings. The characters depicted in the rock art, such as Kokop...
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Prime Gongs",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Prime Gongs uses prime number ratios in pluck and glide instruments; gets transformations of the timbre from inharmonic relationships and registral change. This new version of Prime uses gong timbres in place of plucked timbres.
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Pendopos",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
In just intonation in gamelan style using Woodstock gamelan, Risset gongs and birds recorded in Bali.
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Pearls",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
The waves crash, the birds call as the pearl divers arrive on the beach in the early morning and chatter with each other as they prepare their boats to go out to sea. The first section of Pearls is based on Raga Lalita, the Indian raga of the dawn. The second section is slow and...
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Paté",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Paté is a just intonation chorale using brass designs (trumpet, trombone, horn and tuba with various mutes) from Cooking with Csound.
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Ombres du Vent",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Ombres du Vent (Shadows of the Wind) is another in the group of shadow pieces, and is a flute duet in three short sections, Moderato, Allegro Assai and Slow. In some performances, the microtonal differences between close harmonics in the Moderato section cause audible difference...
Oct 9, 2024
Ayers, Lydia, 2024, "Ombres du Feu",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Slowly the embers ignite in Ombres du Feu, and the piece heats up into quite a conflagration. In this short humorous piece, the two piccolos flicker like fiery shadows around the bassoon. Occasional accents synchronize the players, whose small melodic cells continually shift thei...
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