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1 to 8 of 8 Results
Oct 15, 2021 - Experimental observation of non-Abelian topological charges and edge states
GUO, Qinghua; Jiang, Tianshu; Zhang, Ruoyang; Zhang, Zhaoqing; Yang, Biao; Chan, Che Ting, 2021, "Four-band non-Abelian topological insulator and its experimental realization",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Experimental data of the study "Four-band non-Abelian topological insulator and its experimental realization"
Jun 10, 2021 - Atmospheric decay rates of cooking unsaturated fatty acids
YU, Jianzhen, 2021, "TAG Data at Shanghai 2018-Nov",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
This data set contains bihourly-measured cooking fatty acid concentrations, hourly O3, temperature and RH data at SAES site in Shanghai for the period of Nov. 9-Dec. 3, 2018.
Jun 10, 2021
Cooking fatty acids were monitored in an urban atmosphere in Shanghai for source apportionment and for studying organic aerosol aging.
Mar 2, 2021 - Experimental observation of non-Abelian topological charges and edge states
Guo, Qinghua; Jiang, Tianshu; Zhang, Ruo-Yang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Zhao-Qing; Yang, Biao; Zhang, Shuang; Chan, C. T., 2021, "Replication Data for: Experimental observation of non-Abelian topological charges and edge states",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
The data and codes that support the findings of the study "Experimental observation of non-Abelian topological charges and edge states".
Mar 2, 2021
We experimentally observe the non-Abelian topological charges in a PT (parity and time-reversal) symmetric transmission line network. The quaternion-valued non-Abelian topological charges are clearly mapped onto the eigenstate-frame sphere. Meanwhile, we find a non-Abelian quotie...
Feb 10, 2021 - Eddy mixing across continental slopes
WEI, Huaiyu; WANG, Yan, 2021, "Replication Data for: Full-depth scalings for isopycnal eddy mixing across continental slopes under upwelling-favorable winds",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
This dataset contains the model diagnostics used to reproduce the figures in the paper, which are stored in MATLAB .mat files.
Feb 10, 2021
This project aims to develop a set of eddy parameterizations across continental slopes and hence to improve the representation of shelf-open ocean interactions in ocean climate models.
Feb 2, 2021 - Raw data and code on the SERS characterization of proteins
HUANG, Jinqing; Dai, Xin; Fu, Wenhao; Chi, Huanyu; Mesias, Vince St. Dollente; Zhu, Hongni; Cheuk, Wai Leung; Liu, Wei, 2021, "Fabrication of silver nanoparticle coated silica beads",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
This is a protocol to fabricate silver nanoparticle coated silica beads for optical trapping and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) measurement.
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