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201 to 210 of 212 Results
Tabular Data - 108.7 KB - 9 Variables, 1488 Observations - UNF:6:+Fbot8oIF4pkkAol55N5hA==
Tabular Data - 66.6 KB - 5 Variables, 1736 Observations - UNF:6:FP32w64H3sZsY1w/I9CoOg==
Tabular Data - 108.2 KB - 9 Variables, 1488 Observations - UNF:6:4/owQViDVR90+h9SC7sihw==
Tabular Data - 66.0 KB - 5 Variables, 1680 Observations - UNF:6:gTbBFG5orYj0YCAopGLy0A==
Tabular Data - 108.7 KB - 9 Variables, 1440 Observations - UNF:6:E1ylXNfzw7dtorE36cWlTw==
Tabular Data - 68.5 KB - 5 Variables, 1736 Observations - UNF:6:4Rgxeb8L6/xy0izxr/R7Zg==
Tabular Data - 112.9 KB - 9 Variables, 1488 Observations - UNF:6:wrcrCOpyBXphazeSwjHVBQ==
Tabular Data - 66.2 KB - 5 Variables, 1680 Observations - UNF:6:06TptiYBz9Cw19KOiAFaGQ==
Tabular Data - 109.7 KB - 9 Variables, 1440 Observations - UNF:6:RidfygO5bNWTt0a5UvQgBw==
Dec 7, 2015
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library, 2015, "HKUST Library Research Support Faculty Survey (2015)", https://doi.org/10.14711/dataset/B95L5U, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
In March and April 2015, the Library conducted a survey with HKUST faculty on library research support services. This was a joint survey involving libraries at 4 UGC-funded institutions, using the Ithaka Faculty Survey Series.
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