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Dec 30, 2019
HKIUG (Hong Kong Innovative Users Group) Unicode Task Force, 2019, "HKIUG Code Table for CJK Characters : Mapping to Unicode", https://doi.org/10.14711/dataset/0XCSAH, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
The EACC/Unicode Mapping Table supplements Library of Congress's East Asian Code Tables in two main aspects: Identified multi-mapping cases and marked HKIUG's preferred mapping:- System implementers can make use of this multi-mapping information to develop logic for handling the...
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Dec 30, 2019
HKIUG (Hong Kong Innovative Users Group) Unicode Task Force, 2019, "Romanization and Radical/Stroke Table of Unihan Characters", https://doi.org/10.14711/dataset/S0VVZB, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
This romanization and radical/stroke table is useful for people who are interested in knowing the Pinyin and Wade-Giles romanziation as well as the radicals and stroke counts of Chinese characters as found in Unicode Unihan Database.
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Dec 30, 2019
HKIUG (Hong Kong Innovative Users Group) Unicode Task Force, 2019, "HKIUG TSVCC Table", https://doi.org/10.14711/dataset/IQVOU7, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Attempts to create TSVCC (Traditional, Simplified, Variant Chinese Characters) links for Chinese characters began in 2004. TSVCC linking allows retrieval systems to implement search logic so that searching one form of a character will also retrieve all the other forms. This linki...
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