In this project, we measure water column and sediment oxygen in the Pearl River Estuary and its adjacent coastal shelf in South China Sea in the summer of 2021 to understand the formation of hypoxia.
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Jan 9, 2025
LI, Jiying; SUN, Jing, 2025, "Sediment phosphorus and iron speciation and fluxes in the Pearl River Estuary region",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1, UNF:6:XzaJv4gjhOou9gWfE1HFEA== [fileUNF]
We measured the vertical distributions of dissolved and solid phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe) species in the sediments of the Pearl River Estuary and the adjacent shelf, calculate the effluxes of phosphate across the sediment water interface, and estimate the recycling efficiency of...
Nov 22, 2024
LI, Jiying; SUN, Jing, 2024, "Sediment nitrogen fluxes and rates in the Pearl River Estuary region",, DataSpace@HKUST, V2, UNF:6:svrLRM84MRM9/PMiwaj5ng== [fileUNF]
We estimate sediment oxygen uptake (SOU), ammonium flux (FNH4), rates of nitrification (Fnitrif.) and nitrogen removal through denitrification (FN2; Fdenitrif.) in the sediments in the Pearl River Estuary and the adjacent shelf waters. Data from other similar coastal ecosystems a...
Mar 11, 2024
LI, Jiying; SUN, Jing; YU, Liuqian; GAN, Jianping; YANG, Xingyu, 2024, "Sediment oxygen uptake and hypoxia in the Pearl River Estuary Region",, DataSpace@HKUST, V1, UNF:6:CkRCkLArRYmQqn66DS8NQw== [fileUNF]
The dataset includes sediment oxygen uptake, sediment oxygen profiles, sediment oxygen penetration depth, water column CTD profiles (temperature, salinity, sigma density, oxygen, and chlorophyll a), and buoyance frequency (N2) from the Pearl River Estuary and adjacent coastal she...
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